In more than 20 years Imaging Development Systems GmbH has developed from a 2-man company to a worldwide leading manufacturer of digital industrial cameras with about 300 employees. Around 200,000 high-quality cameras "Made in Germany" are developed and manufactured in Obersulm every year. With subsidiaries in the USA, Japan and UK, as well as representative offices in Europe and Asia, IDS is internationally represented. At the headquarters in Obersulm, a fully automated small parts warehouse is being built in an existing warehouse, in which goods receipts or picking can be carried out at any workstation at any time. Hörmann Logistik has taken over the implementation of the innovative small parts warehouse AutoStore® as general contractor.


For the tailor-made design of the AutoStore® system, Hörmann Logistik carried out several system simulations with real data from IDS during the planning phase. The daily operating times of 10 hours, together with other customer requirements and the simulation results, led to a system configuration with approx. 2,610 containers measuring 649 mm x 449 mm x 220 mm (L x W x H) over 10 levels. The 5 autonomous robots supply and remove the three carousel workstations. One of them is assigned for goods receipt, one for goods issue to production and one for goods issue to shipping. The AutoStore® system consists of an aluminium grid system clad on three sides with overall dimensions of 10.6 m x 11.2 m x 2.4 m (L x W x H), excluding the service platform. In the grid system, stacks of 10 containers each are placed directly on the hall floor. Above the stacks of containers is the rail system (grid) on which the five battery-operated, autonomous robots move and cooperatively pick up and re-sort containers and deliver them to the order picking modules. The maximum total weight of the containers is 35 kg, with a net payload of around 30 kg. An overweight check is carried out at the ports in order to safeguard the maximum weight. The containers can be flexibly subdivided by separating inserts for the use of several articles.


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The system is designed for 800 storage and retrieval operations per day. The system is controlled by the HiLIS AS warehouse management and control system, which was specially designed for AutoStore®. AutoStore® "only" knows the tote number in the system, but not the contents. The higher-level WMS HiLIS AS knows the content of each container, takes over the higher-level management and control of the AutoStore® system and implements the logistical processes including the interfaces to the ERP system. The comprehensible, graphical user interface of HiLIS AS provides clear work and picking instructions via touch screen. In addition, HiLIS AS supports permanent inventory processes, empty container insertion, status dialogues, special access to the containers and much more.

The AutoStore® small parts warehouse at IDS in Obersulm was put into operation in May 2019.

An der Firmenzentrale in Passau wird zur Lagerung von Auto- und Motorrad-Zubehör bzw. Ersatzkleinteilen in einer bestehenden Lagerhalle ein vollautomatisches Kleinteilelager errichtet, in dem an jedem Arbeitsplatz jederzeit Wareneingänge oder Kommissionierungen durchgeführt werden können. Wegen seiner kompakten Abmessungen, der hohen Effizienz und der optimalen Ausrichtung auf den e-commerce hat sich die Auto Leebmann GmbH für das innovative Kleinteilelager AutoStore® entschieden. Den Auftrag zur Realisierung hat HÖRMANN Logistik als Generalunternehmer übernommen.



Für die maßgeschneiderte Auslegung des AutoStore®-Systems wurden bei der Planung von Hörmann Logistik mehrere Anlagensimulationen mit realen Daten von Auto Leebmann durchgeführt. Die geforderten Betriebszeiten zur Wareneinlagerung (4 Stunden pro Tag) und Warenausgang (8 Stunden pro Tag) führte zusammen mit den weiteren Kundenanforderungen und den  Simulationsergebnissen  zu einer  Systemkonfiguration mit einer Gesamtkapazität für 10.750 Behältern, wobei das Grid zunächst nur mit ca. 6.000 Behältern der Größe 649 mm x 449 mm x 330 mm (L x B x H) befüllt wird. Die 15 autonomen Roboter mit 15 Roboter-Ladestationen ver- und entsorgen die vier Carousel-Arbeitsplätze. Zwei davon dienen zur Einlagerung, zwei zur Auslagerung und Kommissionierung der Artikel.

Zur späteren Erweiterung sind zwei zusätzliche Carousel-Rahmen vorgesehen. Das AutoStore®-System besteht aus einem an drei Seiten verkleideten Aluminium-Rastersystem in den Gesamtabmessungen von 14,1 m x 26,9 m x 4,4 m (L x B x H) inklusive der Service-Bühne. In dem Rastersystem stehen Stapel mit jeweils 13 Behältern direkt auf dem Hallenboden. Über den Behälterstapeln ist das Fahrschienensystem (Grid) montiert, auf dem sich die 15 batteriebetriebenen, autonomen Roboter bewegen und kooperativ Behälter aufnehmen, umsortieren und an die Kommissioniermodule andienen. Damit auch zukünftig der erforderliche Staplerverkehr in der Bestandshalle erfolgen kann, wurde im Grid ein Tunnel mit ausreichender Höhe vorgesehen. Das maximale Gesamtgewicht der Behälter beträgt 35 kg bei einer Netto-Zuladung von rund 30 kg. Zur Absicherung des Maximalgewichts findet an den Ports eine Übergewichtsprüfung statt. Das System ist für 1.100 Ein- und 3.000 Auslagerungen am Tag ausgelegt.

Die Steuerung der Anlage übernimmt das speziell für AutoStore® konzipierte Lagerverwaltungs- und –steuerungssystem HiLIS AS. AutoStore® kennt „nur“ die Behälternummer im System, nicht aber den Inhalt. Das übergeordnete LVS HiLIS AS kennt den Inhalt jedes Behälters, übernimmt die übergeordnete Verwaltung und Steuerung des AutoStore®-Systems und setzt die logistischen Prozesse inklusive der Schnittstellen zum ERP-System um. Die einfach verständliche, grafische Benutzeroberfläche von HiLIS AS stellt via Touch-Screen klare Arbeits- und Kommissionieranweisungen zur Verfügung. Zusätzlich unterstützt HiLIS AS permanente Inventurprozesse, Leerbehälter-Einbringung, Status-Dialoge, Sonderzugriff auf die Behälter und vieles mehr.

Das AutoStore® Kleinteilelager bei Auto Leebmann in Passau ging im Frühjahr 2020 in Betrieb.

The Pati-Versand has specialised in patisserie supplies, confectionery and baking ingredients and accessories since 2007. The extensive product range, which is expanded annually with the latest trend articles, is also available in the tailor-made online shop. Today, is the largest provider of cake, praline and baking ingredients for private customers in the German-speaking world. At the Herzlake location, an automated small parts warehouse for the storage of baking accessories is built in a new warehouse. Hörmann Logistik convinced with its AutoStore® concept and received the order to realise the system including the HiLIS AS warehouse management system.


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The AutoStore® warehouse is built in the new building with a clearance height of 5,500 mm. Goods receipts and picking can be carried out at all workstations at any time.

For the individually tailored design of the AutoStore® system for Pati dispatch, Hörmann Logistik carried out several system simulations with original data in real time during the planning phase. The net operating time is 8 hours daily, 5 days a week.

The customer parameters together with the simulation results led to a system configuration with 12 levels, 25,000 containers, 6 carousel workstations and 2 conveyor workstation modules. This enables the required 110 goods storage and 1,040 goods retrieval operations, including the approximately 10 "fast orders" per hour, to be implemented. For a possible extension, 3 or 2 additional frames for carousel or conveyor workstations are already planned.


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The AutoStore® system consists of an aluminium grid system with the overall dimensions of 24.5 m x 33.3 m x 4.1 m (L x W x H) including the service platform and a cladding of MDF boards coated on one side on three sides. In the grid system, stacks of 12 containers each are placed directly on the hall floor. Above the stacks of containers is the rail system (grid) on which the 32 battery-powered, autonomous robots move. The robots cooperatively pick up containers, re-sort them and are responsible for the supply and disposal of the carousel and conveyor workstations. The maximum total weight of the 649 mm x 449 mm x 330 mm (L x W x H) containers is 35 kg with a net load of around 30 kg. To ensure the maximum weight is maintained, an overweight check is carried out during storage. The containers can be flexibly subdivided by separating inserts for the use of several articles.

The system is controlled by the HiLIS AS warehouse management and control system, which was specially designed for AutoStore®. AutoStore® "only" knows the container number in the system, but not the contents. The higher-level WMS HiLIS AS knows the content of each container, takes over the higher-level management and control of the AutoStore® system and implements the logistical processes including the interfaces to the ERP system. The easy-to-understand graphical user interface of HiLIS AS provides clear work and picking instructions via touch screen. In addition, HiLIS AS supports permanent inventory processes, empty container insertion, status dialogues, special access to the containers and much more.

The AutoStore® small parts warehouse at in Herzlake went into operation in early 2019.

 HÖRMANN Intralogistics – Referenz Pati Versand

Das AutoStore®-System besteht aus einem Aluminium-Rastersystem mit den Gesamtabmessungen von 24,5 m x 33,3 m x 4,1 m (L x B x H) inkl. der Service-Bühne und einer Verkleidung aus einseitig beschichteten MDF-Platten an drei Seiten. In dem Rastersystem stehen Stapel mit jeweils 12 Behältern direkt auf dem Hallenboden. Über den Behälterstapeln ist das Fahrschienensystem (Grid) montiert, auf dem sich die 32 batteriebetriebenen, autonomen Roboter bewegen.

Die Roboter nehmen kooperativ Behälter auf, sortieren sie um und sind für die Ver- und Entsorgung der Carousel- und Conveyor-Arbeitsplätze zuständig. Das maximale Gesamtgewicht der 649 mm x 449 mm x 330 mm (L x B x H) großen Behälter beträgt 35 kg bei einer Netto-Zuladung von rund 30 kg. Zur Absicherung des Maximalgewichts findet bei der Einlagerung eine Übergewichtsprüfung statt. Die Behälter können durch Trenneinlagen flexibel für die Nutzung mehrerer Artikel unterteilt werden.

Die Steuerung der Anlage übernimmt das von HÖRMANN Intralogistics speziell für AutoStore® konzipierte Lagerverwaltungs- und –steuerungssystem HiLIS AS. AutoStore® kennt „nur“ die Behälternummer im System, nicht aber den Inhalt. Das übergeordnete LVS HiLIS AS kennt den Inhalt jedes Behälters, übernimmt die übergeordnete Verwaltung und Steuerung des AutoStore®-Systems und setzt die logistischen Prozesse inklusive der Schnittstellen zum ERP-System um. Die einfach verständliche, grafische Benutzeroberfläche von HiLIS AS stellt via Touch-Screen klare Arbeits- und Kommissionieranweisungen zur Verfügung. Zusätzlich unterstützt HiLIS AS permanente Inventurprozesse, Leerbehälter-Einbringung, Status-Dialoge, Sonderzugriff auf die Behälter und vieles mehr.

Das AutoStore®-Kleinteilelager bei in Herzlake ging Anfang 2019 in Betrieb.

Richter + Frenzel has been the specialist for sanitary and building technology for over 125 years. More than 4,200 employees at 180 locations in Germany provide competent advice and planning with products from over 1,800 manufacturers. At the location in Reichertshofen, a new central logistics centre was built, from which R+F supplies branches and the trade nationwide. The central element in this new building is a fully automated warehouse solution for the storage and order picking of small parts. With its intralogistics concept, which includes an AutoStore® small parts warehouse with connected conveyor technology for order picking and palletising, HÖRMANN Logistik impressed and received the order to realise the system.

HÖRMANN Intralogistics – Richter + Frenzel


The new AutoStore® warehouse was integrated into a new building. In order to match incoming and outgoing goods or order picking to the flow of goods, the respective workstations were arranged on opposite sides of the AutoStore® system.


HÖRMANN Intralogistics – Referenz Richter + Frenzel


For the customised design of the AutoStore system for Richter + Frenzel, Hörmann Logistik carried out several system simulations with original data in real time during the planning phase. This also resulted in the recommendation for batch formation at goods issue/picking. The customer requirements, together with the simulation results, led to a system configuration with 45 robots, 50,000 totes on 16 levels and corresponding workstation modules.

The AutoStore® system consists of an aluminium grid system covered on all sides. In the grid system, stacks of 16 bins each stand directly on the hall floor. The rail system (grid) is mounted above the container stacks, on which the battery-operated, autonomous robots move. The robots cooperatively pick up containers, sort them and are responsible for the supply and disposal of the workstation modules.


HÖRMANN Intralogistics – Referenz Richter + Frenzel


The maximum total weight of the 649 mm x 449 mm x 330 mm (L x W x H) containers is 35 kg with a net payload of around 30 kg. To safeguard the maximum weight, an overweight check is carried out at the ports. In order to fill the containers in a quantity-optimised manner, Hörmann Logistik has implemented a self-learning system for weight and volume data. For each subdivision in the container (1/4, 1/2 or 1/1 container), only the same articles with the same properties may be stored.

The Hörmann Logistik warehouse management system HiLIS AS, which was specially developed by Hörmann Logistik for the AutoStore® systems, takes over the higher-level management of the system including all interfaces to the ERP system. The customer's picking and palletising robots also communicate with HiLIS AS via interface. All system data and functions can be called up clearly at any time via the HiLIS AS visualisation.

The new AutoStore® intralogistics solution at Richter + Frenzel went into operation in June 2019.

The e-commerce company Sport Okay GmbH, as a specialist for alpine clothing and sports equipment, offers more than 200 top brands in its online store Unique worldwide is the 3D view, with which you can look at and examine your article in the online store! Tens of thousands of satisfied customers in Germany, Austria, Italy and another 15 countries are supplied by the sports specialists in the heart of the Alps. Due to the very positive development of the online store, will invest in the construction of a new logistics center in Innsbruck, where a fully automated small parts storage system will be used as the central order picking system. With its AutoStore® concept Hörmann Logistik has convinced and received the order for the realization of the plant.


HÖRMANN Intralogistics - Reference Sportokay


The new AutoStore® warehouse will be built on the second floor of a new building. On the first floor, workstations for incoming goods and order picking are provided.


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For the customized design of the AutoStore system for, Hörmann Logistik's planning included several plant simulations with original data in real time.

The customer requirements together with the simulation results led to a system configuration in two construction stages. In the first construction phase, 22 robots with 26,500 totes on 16 levels and associated 6 workstations with swing ports will enable around 168 putaways and returns as well as 4,000 picks per day and 400 picks per hour. In the second, final stage of expansion, the AutoStore® grid will be enlarged to approximately twice the width, so that 44 robots with approximately 55,000 bins and 12 workstations with swing ports will provide for approximately 336 putaways and returns as well as 8,000 picks per day and 800 picks per hour.



With the new, expandable AutoStore small parts warehouse,'s logistics center is perfectly equipped for the future, thanks in part to the personal and dedicated support of Hörmann Logistik.

Konrad Plankensteiner
Managing Director

The AutoStore system consists of an aluminum grid system with overall dimensions of 18.4 m x 36.9 m (79.2 m) x 5.4 m (L x W x H). In the grid system, stacks of 16 bins each stand directly on the hall floor. Mounted above the tote stacks is the track system (grid) on which the 22 (44) battery-powered autonomous robots move. The robots cooperatively pick up and re-sort bins and are responsible for the supply and disposal of the swing port workstations on the first floor. The maximum total weight of the 649 mm x 449 mm x 330 mm (L x W x H) bins is 35 kg with a net payload of around 30 kg. To safeguard the maximum weight, an overweight check takes place at the ports. The containers can be flexibly divided by dividers for the use of several items.


The workstations for storage, retrieval and picking of goods at are located below the AutoStore® system on the first floor. The articles are brought to the goods receipt workstations on pallets or in cartons, unpacked there and stored in the system. Goods intended for picking are tendered to one of the outgoing goods workstations by the AutoStore® system, the employee removes the goods and places them in the shipping carton.


The AutoStore® small parts warehouse at in Innsbruck went into operation in late summer 2018 .


Connection of the rack storage by SAFELOG AGVs


In the basement, large parts, such as skis, snowboards, poles, etc. are kept in shelves. Fixed storage spaces are assigned to the shelves and coded via RFID tags on the floor. This results in a shelf area with defined routes for the AGVs. Depending on the picking order, the mobile transport robots of the type SAFELOG AGV L1 pick up the shelves with the required items from the storage area. Via a console lifter, the AGV with the racking arrives directly in the picking zone and at the correct workstation. The racks are variably equipped with cantilever arms or adjustable shelves. After picking, the racks are brought back to their place by the AGV.


Even ready-picked orders are transported from the AutoStore picking stations by specially configured SAFELOG AGVs type S2 directly to the packaging machine.


Through this goods-to-person principle, the warehouse space could be used efficiently and the travel times of the employees could be reduced by approx. 80% during the picking activity. This significantly increases the picking rate.


HÖRMANN Moving Racks
HÖRMANN Moving Racks
HÖRMANN Moving Racks & AutostorePort


Giesswein Walkwaren AG is a Tyrolean family business in its third generation. From hand-picked wool in traditional quality, modern, sustainable and functional clothing and shoes are produced in our own production facilities. With special know-how and a holistic approach, the company has developed into Europe's leading manufacturer of clothing made of 100% new wool. At the Brixlegg site, a finished goods warehouse was built in an existing warehouse to support the constantly growing online shop business and stationary trade. The tailor-made concept with the modern, versatile AutoStore® system was developed by Hörmann Logistik.


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Joint planning discussions and several system simulations with real data led to the individual AutoStore® system configuration with 31 robots and 17,500 containers on nine levels. The height of the AutoStore® grid was determined by the 4.6-metre high existing hall.

In order to guarantee the performance specifications of 140 storage and 900 retrieval operations per hour, 5 carousel and 3 conveyor workstation modules were initially provided. A further carousel workstation module has already been preconfigured.  The single-double grid with the overall dimensions of 26.1 x 30.4 x 3.1 m (L x W x H) is clad on two sides.

The 17,500 containers in the standard format 649 mm x 449 mm x 330 mm (L x W x H) each allow a load capacity of approx. 30 kg.

31 robots supply the Carousel workstations 8 hours a day. This requires a charging process per robot of approx. 4 hours per day, for which a total of 24 charging stations are provided at the edge of the grid.

Maximum flexibility and efficiency

In principle, all workstations are equipped so that goods receipts or picking can be carried out there at any time. The incoming goods are delivered to the workstation by the warehouse staff.


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In the grid system, stacks of 9 containers each are placed directly on the hall floor. A single-double-grid rail system is mounted above the stacks of containers, on which the battery-powered, autonomous robots travel. They pick up containers cooperatively, re-sort them as required and serve them at the carousel ports. The containers can be flexibly subdivided by means of separating inserts for the use of several articles.

The AutoStore® system at Giesswein Walkwaren in Brixlegg was put into operation in July 2020.


"The new AutoStore system makes our picking processes much more effective and makes our employees' work easier. A benefit for the whole team."

Markus Giesswein


HÖRMANN Intralogistics – Referenz Giesswein

Maximale Flexibilität und Effizienz

Prinzipiell sind alle Arbeitsplätze so ausgestattet, dass dort jederzeit Wareneingänge oder auch Kommissionierungen durchgeführt werden können. Die Andienung der Eingangswaren am Arbeitsplatz erfolgt durch die Lagermitarbeiter.

In dem Rastersystem stehen Stapel mit jeweils 9 Behältern direkt auf dem Hallenboden. Über den Behälterstapeln ist ein Single-Double-Grid Fahrschienensystem montiert, auf dem die batteriebetriebenen, autonomen Roboter fahren. Sie nehmen kooperativ Behälter auf, sortieren sie bei Bedarf um und dienen diese an den Carousel-Ports an. Die Behälter können durch Trenneinlagen flexibel für die Nutzung mehrerer Artikel unterteilt werden.

Das AutoStore® System bei Giesswein Walkwaren in Brixlegg wurde im Juli 2020 in Betrieb genommen.

AutoStore Giesswein Brixlegg

Die neue AutoStore Anlage macht unsere Kommissionierungsprozesse wesentlich effektiver und erleichtert unseren Mitarbeitern die Arbeit. Ein Gewinn für das ganze Team.

Markus Giesswein

Imagefilm | 2020 in 70s

Innovation Champion "Top Innovator 2020"! | german

Imagefilm 2015

Hörmann Logistik provides security in times of Corona

Save the date! Hörmann Logistik on TV on "RTL Guten Morgen Deutschland" on 05.08.2020 at 7:45 am