AutoStore® ist ein modernes und innovatives System zur automatischen Lagerung und Kommissionierung von Kleinteilen in Kunststoffbehältern, entwickelt von Jacob Hatteland Computer AS aus Norwegen. Das System entstand aus der Idee, Volumennutzungsgrad, Dynamik, Energieeffizienz, Erweiterbarkeit, Materialeinsatz und Anbindung von Kommissionierplätzen im Vergleich zu konventionellen Automatischen Kleinteilelagern (AKL) oder Shuttlesystemen zu optimieren.


Was sind die Vorteile mit dem AutoStore®-System?

Mit seiner kompakten Lagerlösung, die auf Gänge und Regale verzichtet, reduziert AutoStore® den Flächenbedarf um 75 %. Die Behälter werden übereinander in Stapeln auf den Boden gestellt. Über den Behälterstapeln ist ein Fahrschienensystem (Grid) montiert, auf dem Roboter fahren. 

Unermüdlich nehmen sie Behälter auf, sortieren sie um und liefern sie zu den direkt angekoppelten Ports für Wareneingang und Kommissionierung. AutoStore® ist ein komplett modulares System, wobei die Anzahl der Roboter und Arbeitsstationen die Durchsatzleistung bestimmt. 

Als offizieller Distributor bietet HÖRMANN Intralogistics AutoStore® mit dem dafür maßgeschneiderten WMS HiLIS AS als Generalunternehmer an. AutoStore® kann als Einzellösung installiert oder in ein Gesamt-Logistikkonzept integriert werden.

Für Kundenservice und Wartung steht das HÖRMANN Intralogistics Team an 365 Tagen rund um die Uhr für Sie zur Verfügung.
HÖRMANN Intralgostics Autostore

Ultrahohe Dichte und beste Verfügbarkeit

Mit dem bestechendem Lagerdichteverhältnis erreicht AutoStore® ultimative Raumeffizienz. Fast jede Gridform ist möglich und bestehende Gebäude können optimal genutzt werden. Durch den Einsatz mehrerer autonomer Roboter und angebundener Ports stellt AutoStore® ein verlässliches Lagersystem dar und überzeugt durch eine hohe Verfügbarkeit. 

Red Line und Black Line

Die mehrfach prämierte AutoStore® Red Line erfüllt als extrem verfügbares und zuverlässiges System die Durchsatz- und Effizienzanforderungen bei geringem Platzangebot. 

Für gesonderte Anforderungen steht die AutoStore® Black Line zur Verfügung und bietet mit zusätzlichen Funktionen, wie z. B. der austauschbaren Batterie, innovative Extraleistung.

Beide Linien können kombiniert werden, um ein optimales Systemdesign zu erreichen.

AutoStore® in Ihrem Lager – So funktioniert es:

HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore
  1. Bins (Behälter)
  2. Grid
  3. Roboter
  4. Ports (Kommissioniermodule)
  5. Controller

  6. Warehouse-Management-System HiLIS AS  

Bins (Behälter)

Das Maximalgewicht der stabilen und stapelbaren Behälter, die es in drei unterschiedlichen Höhen gibt, beträgt 35 kg. Zusätzlich ist eine antistatische ESD-Version erhältlich.


Die selbsttragende Aluminiumstruktur hält die Behälterstapel und führt auf den Schienen die Roboter. Modular kann das Grid in jeder beliebigen Form angeordnet werden.


Die AutoStore®-Roboter bewegen sich durch ihre zwei über Eck angeordneten Räderpaare in zwei Fahrtrichtungen. So erreichen sie jede Position im Raster, um Behälter aufzunehmen, zu transportieren und abzusetzen.


Red Line Roboter

Mit ihren energieeffizienten Motoren und einem Rückgewinnungssystem sind sie unermüdlich im Einsatz. Wenn die Batterie schwach wird oder gerade keine Aufgaben zu erledigen sind, fahren die Red Line Roboter ihre am Rande des Grids gelegenen Ladestationen an.


Black Line Roboter

Die Black Line Roboter transportieren die Bins im Robotergehäuse und müssen nicht stationär aufgeladen werden. Durch die patentierte BattPack-Technologie kann die Black Line an den BattPack-Stationen jederzeit eine neue, vollgeladene Batterie aufnehmen.

  Red Line (SDG) ERD LIN (DDG) Black Line  
Länge /Zellenblock 2 Zellen 2 Zellen 1,5 Zellen
Behälter-Typ  220 mm ·  330 mm · 425 mm  220 mm ·  330 mm · 425 mm  220 mm ·  330 mm · 425 mm
Beschleunigung 0.8 m/s² 0.8 m/s² 1.4 m/s²
Geschwindigkeit 3.1 m/s 3.1 m/s 4 m/s 
Hubgeschwindigkeit 2.5 m/s 2.5 m/s 2.5 m/s
Lärm 71 dB 71 dB 66 dB
Batterie AGM 2 x 12 V AGM 2 x 12 V BattPack


Ports (Kommissioniermodule)

Die Ports können an allen Seiten des AutoStore®-Systems installiert und durch die Roboter unterbrechungsfrei versorgt werden. Die Ports werden für die effiziente Kommissionierung und Befüllung der Behälter genutzt.

Je nach Typ beträgt die Kommissionierleistung zwischen 160 und 650 Positionen pro Stunde.

HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore
Maximaler Bin-Durchsatz · 500 Bins/h auf einer Zwischenebene, 400 Bins/h auf der Bodenebene

CarouselPort – dreiarmiger Port

Der CarouselPort arbeitet mit drei rotierenden Armen, wobei jeder Arm mit einer Bin-Aufnahme ausgestattet ist. Eine Behälteraufnahme befindet sich im Zugriffsbereich des Bedieners und die zwei weiteren im Zugriffsbereich der Roboter, wodurch eine unterbrechungsfreie Belieferung möglich ist.

HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore
Maximaler Bin-Durchsatz · 240 Bins/h auf einer Zwischenebene, 180 Bins/h auf der Bodenebene

ConveyorPort – unkomplizierte Arbeitsstation

Der ConveyorPort verwendet ein Förderband, um die Bins zum Bediener zu bringen. Während ein Bin dem Bediener präsentiert wird, wird der zweite Bin oberhalb des Ports durch einen Roboter bereitgehalten.

HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore
Maximaler Bin-Durchsatz · 650 Bins/h

RelayPort – schnellstmögliche Bin-Verfügbarkeit

Diese modulare Arbeitsstation besteht aus dem Kommissioniermodul Touch und Puffermodulen, genannt Tabs. Jede Kommissionierstation kann 3 bis 6 Tabs haben. Die Roboter sind in der Lage, die angewählten Positionen aus jeder Richtung zu erreichen.


HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore
Maximaler Bin-Durchsatz · 163 Bins/h mit 9 m BinLift

SwingPort – vertikale Verbindung

Der SwingPort verwendet einen rotierenden Arm, um die Bins zum Bediener zu befördern. Während ein Bin dem Bediener präsentiert wird, befindet sich der zweite Bin in Warteposition.


Dieses Modul ist Kommandozentrum, Verkehrssteuerung und Datenbankverwaltung von AutoStore®.

HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore

Warehouse-Management-System HiLIS AS

Die AutoStore®-Steuerung führt autark die Transportaufträge für alle Roboter aus, kennt jedoch nicht den Inhalt der Behälter. Dafür hat HÖRMANN Intralogistics das übergeordnete Lagerverwaltungssystem HiLIS AS entwickelt. Dieses ist auf die Anforderungen von AutoStore® maßgeschneidert und wird direkt an die HOST-Systeme der Kunden angebunden.

HiLIS AS stellt die Wareneingangs- und Kommissionierinformationen an den Ports zur Verfügung, bildet alle Bedienerfunktionalitäten ab und ermöglicht die Bedienereingriffe.

Mehr zu HiLIS

HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore hilis wms

»Mit der Umsetzung des AutoStore Systems haben wir unsere Logistikprozesse auf das nächste Level gehoben. Durch die erhaltene Transparenz und Automatisierung im Lager konnten Lauf- und Suchzeiten erheblich reduziert werden.«


»Mit dem neuen, erweiterbaren AutoStore Kleinteilelager ist das Logistik-Center von SportOkay auch Dank der persönlichen und engagierten Betreuung von HÖRMANN Logistik perfekt für die Zukunft gerüstet.«


Wie hoch sind bei einem neuen AutoStore® die Kosten?

Aufgrund der zahlreichen Vorteile für effizienteres Kommissionieren und Steuerung Ihrer Intralogistik amortisieren sich mit AutoStore® die Investitionskosten schon nach kurzer Zeit. Entlasten Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter und steigern Sie Ihre Effizienz mit einer maßgeschneiderten Lösung von HÖRMANN Intralogistics.

HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore
HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore
HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore

HÖRMANN Intralogistics und AutoStore® – Höchstleistung auf kleinstem Raum

AutoStore® wird nach Ihren Anforderungen auf Basis einer Simulation maßgeschneidert konfiguriert. Ihre Mengengerüste, Artikel-/Auftragsstruktur und Leistungsanforderungen bestimmen die Größe, die Anzahl der Roboter und die Anzahl der Kommissioniermodule.

AutoStore® eignet sich sowohl für Anforderungen mit geringer Leistung und großer Stellplatzkapazität als auch für hochdynamische Anforderungen mit mehreren Tausend Ein- und Auslagerungen pro Stunde.

Sprechen Sie uns jetzt an.

AutoStore® ist ein modernes und innovatives System zur automatischen Lagerung und Kommissionierung von Kleinteilen in Kunststoffbehältern, entwickelt von Jacob Hatteland Computer AS aus Norwegen. Das System entstand aus der Idee, Volumennutzungsgrad, Dynamik, Energieeffizienz, Erweiterbarkeit, Materialeinsatz und Anbindung von Kommissionierplätzen im Vergleich zu konventionellen Automatischen Kleinteilelagern (AKL) oder Shuttlesystemen zu optimieren.


Was sind die Vorteile mit dem AutoStore®-System?

Mit seiner kompakten Lagerlösung, die auf Gänge und Regale verzichtet, reduziert AutoStore® den Flächenbedarf um 75 %. Die Behälter werden übereinander in Stapeln auf den Boden gestellt. Über den Behälterstapeln ist ein Fahrschienensystem (Grid) montiert, auf dem Roboter fahren. 

Unermüdlich nehmen sie Behälter auf, sortieren sie um und liefern sie zu den direkt angekoppelten Ports für Wareneingang und Kommissionierung. AutoStore® ist ein komplett modulares System, wobei die Anzahl der Roboter und Arbeitsstationen die Durchsatzleistung bestimmt. 

Als offizieller Distributor bietet HÖRMANN Intralogistics AutoStore® mit dem dafür maßgeschneiderten WMS HiLIS AS als Generalunternehmer an. AutoStore® kann als Einzellösung installiert oder in ein Gesamt-Logistikkonzept integriert werden.

Für Kundenservice und Wartung steht das HÖRMANN Intralogistics Team an 365 Tagen rund um die Uhr für Sie zur Verfügung.
HÖRMANN Intralgostics Autostore

Ultrahohe Dichte und beste Verfügbarkeit

Mit dem bestechendem Lagerdichteverhältnis erreicht AutoStore® ultimative Raumeffizienz. Fast jede Gridform ist möglich und bestehende Gebäude können optimal genutzt werden. Durch den Einsatz mehrerer autonomer Roboter und angebundener Ports stellt AutoStore® ein verlässliches Lagersystem dar und überzeugt durch eine hohe Verfügbarkeit. 

Red Line und Black Line

Die mehrfach prämierte AutoStore® Red Line erfüllt als extrem verfügbares und zuverlässiges System die Durchsatz- und Effizienzanforderungen bei geringem Platzangebot. 

Für gesonderte Anforderungen steht die AutoStore® Black Line zur Verfügung und bietet mit zusätzlichen Funktionen, wie z. B. der austauschbaren Batterie, innovative Extraleistung.

Beide Linien können kombiniert werden, um ein optimales Systemdesign zu erreichen.

AutoStore® in Ihrem Lager – So funktioniert es:

HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore
  1. Bins (Behälter)
  2. Grid
  3. Roboter
  4. Ports (Kommissioniermodule)
  5. Controller

  6. Warehouse-Management-System HiLIS AS  

Bins (Behälter)

Das Maximalgewicht der stabilen und stapelbaren Behälter, die es in drei unterschiedlichen Höhen gibt, beträgt 35 kg. Zusätzlich ist eine antistatische ESD-Version erhältlich.


Die selbsttragende Aluminiumstruktur hält die Behälterstapel und führt auf den Schienen die Roboter. Modular kann das Grid in jeder beliebigen Form angeordnet werden.


Die AutoStore®-Roboter bewegen sich durch ihre zwei über Eck angeordneten Räderpaare in zwei Fahrtrichtungen. So erreichen sie jede Position im Raster, um Behälter aufzunehmen, zu transportieren und abzusetzen.


Red Line Roboter

Mit ihren energieeffizienten Motoren und einem Rückgewinnungssystem sind sie unermüdlich im Einsatz. Wenn die Batterie schwach wird oder gerade keine Aufgaben zu erledigen sind, fahren die Red Line Roboter ihre am Rande des Grids gelegenen Ladestationen an.


Black Line Roboter

Die Black Line Roboter transportieren die Bins im Robotergehäuse und müssen nicht stationär aufgeladen werden. Durch die patentierte BattPack-Technologie kann die Black Line an den BattPack-Stationen jederzeit eine neue, vollgeladene Batterie aufnehmen.

  Red Line (SDG) ERD LIN (DDG) Black Line  
Länge /Zellenblock 2 Zellen 2 Zellen 1,5 Zellen
Behälter-Typ  220 mm ·  330 mm · 425 mm  220 mm ·  330 mm · 425 mm  220 mm ·  330 mm · 425 mm
Beschleunigung 0.8 m/s² 0.8 m/s² 1.4 m/s²
Geschwindigkeit 3.1 m/s 3.1 m/s 4 m/s 
Hubgeschwindigkeit 2.5 m/s 2.5 m/s 2.5 m/s
Lärm 71 dB 71 dB 66 dB
Batterie AGM 2 x 12 V AGM 2 x 12 V BattPack


Ports (Kommissioniermodule)

Die Ports können an allen Seiten des AutoStore®-Systems installiert und durch die Roboter unterbrechungsfrei versorgt werden. Die Ports werden für die effiziente Kommissionierung und Befüllung der Behälter genutzt.

Je nach Typ beträgt die Kommissionierleistung zwischen 160 und 650 Positionen pro Stunde.

HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore
Maximaler Bin-Durchsatz · 500 Bins/h auf einer Zwischenebene, 400 Bins/h auf der Bodenebene

CarouselPort – dreiarmiger Port

Der CarouselPort arbeitet mit drei rotierenden Armen, wobei jeder Arm mit einer Bin-Aufnahme ausgestattet ist. Eine Behälteraufnahme befindet sich im Zugriffsbereich des Bedieners und die zwei weiteren im Zugriffsbereich der Roboter, wodurch eine unterbrechungsfreie Belieferung möglich ist.

HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore
Maximaler Bin-Durchsatz · 240 Bins/h auf einer Zwischenebene, 180 Bins/h auf der Bodenebene

ConveyorPort – unkomplizierte Arbeitsstation

Der ConveyorPort verwendet ein Förderband, um die Bins zum Bediener zu bringen. Während ein Bin dem Bediener präsentiert wird, wird der zweite Bin oberhalb des Ports durch einen Roboter bereitgehalten.

HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore
Maximaler Bin-Durchsatz · 650 Bins/h

RelayPort – schnellstmögliche Bin-Verfügbarkeit

Diese modulare Arbeitsstation besteht aus dem Kommissioniermodul Touch und Puffermodulen, genannt Tabs. Jede Kommissionierstation kann 3 bis 6 Tabs haben. Die Roboter sind in der Lage, die angewählten Positionen aus jeder Richtung zu erreichen.


HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore
Maximaler Bin-Durchsatz · 163 Bins/h mit 9 m BinLift

SwingPort – vertikale Verbindung

Der SwingPort verwendet einen rotierenden Arm, um die Bins zum Bediener zu befördern. Während ein Bin dem Bediener präsentiert wird, befindet sich der zweite Bin in Warteposition.


Dieses Modul ist Kommandozentrum, Verkehrssteuerung und Datenbankverwaltung von AutoStore®.

HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore

Warehouse-Management-System HiLIS AS

Die AutoStore®-Steuerung führt autark die Transportaufträge für alle Roboter aus, kennt jedoch nicht den Inhalt der Behälter. Dafür hat HÖRMANN Intralogistics das übergeordnete Lagerverwaltungssystem HiLIS AS entwickelt. Dieses ist auf die Anforderungen von AutoStore® maßgeschneidert und wird direkt an die HOST-Systeme der Kunden angebunden.

HiLIS AS stellt die Wareneingangs- und Kommissionierinformationen an den Ports zur Verfügung, bildet alle Bedienerfunktionalitäten ab und ermöglicht die Bedienereingriffe.

Mehr zu HiLIS

HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore hilis wms

»Mit der Umsetzung des AutoStore Systems haben wir unsere Logistikprozesse auf das nächste Level gehoben. Durch die erhaltene Transparenz und Automatisierung im Lager konnten Lauf- und Suchzeiten erheblich reduziert werden.«


»Mit dem neuen, erweiterbaren AutoStore Kleinteilelager ist das Logistik-Center von SportOkay auch Dank der persönlichen und engagierten Betreuung von HÖRMANN Logistik perfekt für die Zukunft gerüstet.«


Wie hoch sind bei einem neuen AutoStore® die Kosten?

Aufgrund der zahlreichen Vorteile für effizienteres Kommissionieren und Steuerung Ihrer Intralogistik amortisieren sich mit AutoStore® die Investitionskosten schon nach kurzer Zeit. Entlasten Sie Ihre Mitarbeiter und steigern Sie Ihre Effizienz mit einer maßgeschneiderten Lösung von HÖRMANN Intralogistics.

HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore
HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore
HÖRMANN Intralogistics – AutoStore

HÖRMANN Intralogistics und AutoStore® – Höchstleistung auf kleinstem Raum

AutoStore® wird nach Ihren Anforderungen auf Basis einer Simulation maßgeschneidert konfiguriert. Ihre Mengengerüste, Artikel-/Auftragsstruktur und Leistungsanforderungen bestimmen die Größe, die Anzahl der Roboter und die Anzahl der Kommissioniermodule.

AutoStore® eignet sich sowohl für Anforderungen mit geringer Leistung und großer Stellplatzkapazität als auch für hochdynamische Anforderungen mit mehreren Tausend Ein- und Auslagerungen pro Stunde.

Sprechen Sie uns jetzt an.

HÖRMANN Klatt Conveyors from Neumarkt am Wallersee in Austria has been an important partner for companies worldwide in the field of conveyor systems for many years. Our portfolio includes a wide range of standardised conveyor technologies for a variety of applications, as well as special custom solutions.

We design and implement the best and most economical conveyor solutions

  • Consulting and planning
  • Manufacturing and pre-assembly
  • Project management and execution
  • Assembly and commissioning
  • Service and maintenance
HÖRMANN Intralogsitics - Hawle
HÖRMANN Klatt Conveyors Logo

Precision, perfection, passion - that's what HÖRMANN Klatt Conveyors stands for. Our Made in Austria conveyor technology is known throughout Europe and covers the transport of pallets, packages, boxes and lumber stacks. We put great importance on implementing individual solutions perfectly - from development to construction and on-site assembly.

Our customers appreciate our professional project management, competence, high-quality product solutions and handshake quality. That's why HÖRMANN Klatt Conveyors is the best partner for you when it comes to conveyor, storage and systemisation technology.


Learn more about Klatt Conveyors

Your contact - Florian Pöckl

HÖRMANN Klatt Conveyors leaflet 2023

Individual conveyor systems

HÖRMANN Klatt Conveyors leaflet 2023
  • Project timeline - from consulting to customer service
  • Innovative special conveyor systems - from pallet to film transport setups
  • Corporate culture and sustainability
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HÖRMANN Intralogistics - Klatt Conveyors
HÖRMANN Intralogistics - Klatt Conveyors
HÖRMANN Intralogistics - Klatt Conveyors
HÖRMANN Intralogistics - Klatt Conveyors

Constantly increasing item volumes, along with ever increasing demands for fast and efficient order picking, pose new challenges for classic warehouse logistics. Working with SAFELOG, HÖRMANN Intralogistics has developed an innovative moving racks system for picking process automation, even for bulky goods, based on the goods-to-person principle.

Mobile transport robots (AGVs) transport the goods in modular racks, sequentially and just-in-time from the storage areas to the picking stations. HÖRMANN Intralogistics’  smart HILIS Warehouse Management System controls and monitors all picking processes to guarantee maximum performance.


The advantages at a glance

  • Reduced staff and walking distances
  • Flexible and modular expansion at any time with more AGVs or racks
  • Picking areas can be supplemented by support systems, e.g. pick-by-light
  • In multi-order picking configuration, the HiLIS WMS offers additional possibilities for increasing picking efficiency with intelligent batch formation.

What are Moving Racks?

Moving Racks replace or supplement traditional picking areas (man-to-goods) with high staffing levels and long walking distances, with an efficient, flexible system of modular shelving (racks) that are presented in a timely and sequential manner to the picking staff.

Rack transport from the storage areas to the picking workstations is carried out by mobile transport robots. This means that all system picking processes  are intelligently contolled  and monitored by software to ensure maximum performance and timely delivery.

HÖRMANN Intralogistics - Moving Racks
Equip your company for the advancing automation and use innovative solutions for warehouse logistics. With our moving racks and mobile robots, you ensure more efficiency in your picking operations and significantly increase flexibility.
HÖRMANN Intralogistics - Moving Racks
The high scalability is another advantage of the HÖRMANN Intralogistics Moving Racks concept: The system grows with the requirements. The number of mobile robots and racks can be easily adapted to increasing throughput and a growing variety of products, if required.
HÖRMANN Intralogistics - Moving Racks
HÖRMANN Intralogistics Partner Logo SAFELOG

Our Partner

The ever-increasing volume of items, added to the  ever-increasing demand for fast and efficient order picking pose new challenges for classic warehouse logistics. With a range of robotic solution it’s possible to achieve significant cost savings and increase resource efficiency.

In the ideal case, this would involve combining several systems, such as a automated CubeStorage system by AutoStore for storage and retrieval and an AGV shuttle system for the subsequent connection to the packaging line. For these, as well as for stand-alone scenarios, we work closely with our partner Safelog, which manufactures autonomous shelf-lifting robots.

The solution in detail

Storage Area

In the HÖRMANN Intralogistics Moving Racks system, the storage area for all goods consists of the individual racks on their storage spaces. Different types of standardised racks can be combined with various interiors (e.g. EURO pallet, shelf or grid) or configured as individual racks.

All standard racks have the same 1280 mm x 900 mm footprint and a height of up to 2500 mm. The moving racks are placed in a grid layout with travel paths in between in the storage areas. The grid layout can be flexibly adapted to different local conditions, around obstacles or in separated areas.

In addition, areas close to the pick zones can be reserved for fast-moving items.

Maintenance and loading area

Battery charging stations for mobile robots are built-in to the Storage Area, and can be distributed and placed according to the available connection options. This way, mobile robots on charge are available for transport operations without an additional approach route. The robots manage their charge status independently, and always approach the charging stations in good time.

Picking Area

The Picking Area consists of one or more picking workstations and associated buffer locations. Each picking area is connected to the storage area by defined travel paths. The workstations themselves can be individually designed.

In the standard configuration, a workstation comprises two rack storage locations. This means the rack that follows can already be staged during a pick process. The staging areas are separated from the MA work area only by stop bars on the floor, to permit optimal accessibility of the moving racks.

In addition to the rack staging areas, the workstation includes a work table with a flat-screen display showing the HiLIS picking interface and target locations for the picked items. Destination locations can be floor carts, conveyor elements or pallet locations for example.

HÖRMANN Intralogistics - Moving Racks

The control system allows omnidirectional travel, so that a robot can move in any direction at any time. This increases the operational flexibility of the vehicles, as they can be maneuvered in very confined spaces. It also makes it possible to turn racks on the spot.

Mobile AGV robots by SAFELOG

SAFELOG mobile transport robots are used to transport the racks. With a height of just 340 mm, these driverless transport vehicles are equally suitable for driving under the racks as they are for transporting pallets or wire mesh boxes. The weight of the Topload can be up to 1,500 kg.

SAFELOG has developed an agent-based control system for the mobile robots, through which the individual vehicles communicate with each other and with the surrounding production and logistics facilities. This ‘swarm’ intelligence of the transport vehicles controls both route coordination and task distribution between the devices. This means they do not require a higher-level control station for their operation. The software configuration is customer-specific to the respective requirements and linked to the HiLIS WMS for order control.

To achieve the highest possible technical availability of the overall system, various navigation types are available, and can also be used in combination. Depending on the application conditions, magnetic track, RFID tags, virtual track and contour navigation are used individually or together as a hybrid navigation system.



Contact us now

Bring your company into the advancing world of innovative logistics solutions. With our moving racks and mobile robots, you can significantly increase the efficiency and flexibility of all picking operations

I have read the data protection conditions and agree to the processing of my personal data.

The Hawle Austria Group produces and distributes heavy-duty valves worldwide. The products, which are designed for generations, are used in residential water management from the source to the house connection. The Hawle Austria Group includes 12 subsidiaries in Austria, the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Russia, Turkey, Italy, Great Britain and India.

HÖRMANN Intralogistics - Reference HAWLE

A new logistics warehouse has been built at the E. Hawle Armaturenwerke GmbH production site in Frankenmarkt, Upper Austria, in order to reduce the rented external warehouses as far as possible. The realization of the 5-aisle high-bay warehouse as well as the connecting conveyor technology has been taken over by HÖRMANN Intralogistics as general contractor. IGZ, the SAP engineers from Falkenberg in Bavaria, implemented the entire logistics processes in SAP EWM with direct control of the warehouse technology by SAP MFS.



In the new high-bay warehouse, raw and semi-finished parts are temporarily stored for production or for staging in shipping. The production connection is made directly from production via a new, double-level conveyor system for pallets. In addition, a loading and unloading station is planned in the outer wall of the new logistics hall, which can be reached from the yard with forklifts and is approached dynamically by SAP EWM in exceptional situations to ensure production supply at all times.

The 5-aisle high-bay warehouse is equipped with five aisle-bound storage and retrieval machines (SRMs). These have telescopic forks for double-deep storage. Three-bay side-by-side storage is provided per rack compartment. The storage and retrieval stacks of the high-bay warehouse are connected to a loop conveyor line that extends into the logistics hall to pick up or drop off goods. All storage and retrieval machines are equipped with a compartment fine positioning system that detects both the front and rear z-positions.


HÖRMANN Intralogistics - Reference HAWLE

Goods receiving and shipping for different load carriers

At goods receiving, normal load units are fed onto three conveyor sections with weight and contour control. Grid boxes are only fed onto the middle conveyor section. There, the loading station is fully automatically equipped with a wooden lower pallet onto which the wire mesh box is placed

The empty pallets required for this are held in stacks at a buffer station and transported individually towards the set-up station as required.



  • 5-aisle high-bay warehouse 70 x 40 x 29 m (L x W x H)
  • 5 aisle-bound stacker cranes in single-mast design with telescopic forks for double-deep storage
  • 32 pallet insertions and removals per hour per stacker crane
  • Connecting pallet conveyor system
  • Fire protection and high-speed gates
  • Control technology with direct connection to SAP EWM / MFS
  • Plant visualization

When developing automation solutions for fast-moving business areas, it is essential that the systems perfectly adapt to the intralogistics processes and infrastructures. With our partner, CAJA Robotics, we’ve developed an innovative approach using modern software, specifically developed robots that operate according to the goods-to-person principle, user-friendly workstations and solutions for integrating an existing WMS or the in-house HiLIS WMS.


The advantages at a glance

  • More efficient order picking
  • Reduced order errors and increased inventory security
  • Reduced walking distances and manpower
  • Robot and cloud software-assisted, AI-based, fully automated order fulfilment
  • Scalable, modular architecture which responds lightning fast to order peaks or drops
  • Flexibly adaptable shelf structures as new lines of business emerge
  • Use of own bins possible
  • Simple commissioning

All you need to know about Caja transport and lifting robotics


Brochure - Caja Transport and Lifter Robotics


Your contact - Tom Walther

What is Caja?

Caja's transport and lifting robots handle goods-to-person logistics. In this configuration items from a picking warehouse are delivered with bins or pallets on software-controlled, intelligent robots. After the items have been removed from the storage location, the bins or pallets, either empty or filled with remaining items, are transported back to the warehouse and sorted there.

Starting on the German, Austrian and Swiss market, the partnership of the two companies focuses on the closest cooperation in order to offer and realize smart warehouse solutions. With the innovative and intelligent warehouse technology from Caja Robotics, HÖRMANN Intralogistics is further expanding its portfolio. The Caja Robotics solutions are designed to meet the special demands of highly dynamic warehouse processes. A particular advantage is that the Caja Robotics application

Our Partner

The partnership between the two companies, which began on the German, Austrian and Swiss markets, focuses on the closest possible cooperation to offer and implement smart warehouse solutions. With Caja Robotics’ innovative and intelligent warehouse technology, HÖRMANN Intralogistics continues to expand its portfolio.

Caja Robotics solutions are designed to meet the particular demands of highly dynamic warehouse processes. One particular advantage is that Caja Robotics applications are very flexible and scalable with high goods throughput. They can be easily implemented and adapted to the customers' existing frameworks, and offer immediate benefits coupled with our highly efficient, customised warehouse systems.

The solution in detail

Robots working together

The transport and lifting robots are connected to the backend via radio. Sensors determine their position and detect obstacles or interference. Using software, hardware, and sensors, they interact with their environment to maximise the output of the fulfilment process.


4D navigation

The robots are controlled by cloud-based, decentralised software with multi-layered algorithms. This guarantees the success not only individual isolated tasks, but optimisation of the entire warehouse operation as well . Through artificial intelligence and machine learning, the solution continually adapts to the conditions.


In certain processes, the robots make their own decisions without software commands. Aided by sensors, for example, they can react to events in the queue during order picking.


To adapt to different industrial sectors, Caja robots are designed to operate in all temperatures, for example in cold storage for food. In sterile cleanrooms, automated transport robots offer great advantages.

WMS integration

Caja software seamlessly integrates with HiLIS and other existing WMS solutions, enabling accurate and time-optimised flow of goods.

Swarm management

The cloud-, algorithm- and AI-based software ensure continuous order, bin and fleet management of all robots located on the warehouse floor.

Ergonomic workstations

While being extremely automated, Caja Robotics nevertheless still depend on human-machine interaction. The fleet is equipped with user-friendly workstations, for performing tasks like inbound processes, replenishment organisation, returns, or bin consolidation.

Shelf adapter

The system includes Shelf Adapter Units (SAU) that simplify processes, eliminate decanting and extend bin life.

HÖRMANN INtralogistics - Caja Transport- Lifting Robotics
Robot Sprynter - transport robot with fast movements (2m/s), 8h battery life and 30kg load capacity. For picking operations, horizontal warehouse optimization and inventory validation (dimensions: 840 x 415 mm, 55kg).
HÖRMANN Intralogistics - Caja Transport- Lifting Robotics
Robot Skyler - lifting robot with medium speed (1.5 m/s), 6 h battery life and 30kg load capacity. Allows lifting up to warehouse racks at heights of up to 320m. For refill and return operations and vertical warehouse optimization (dimensions: 1300 x 850 mm, 350 kg).
HÖRMANN Intralogistics - Caja Transport- Lifting Robotics
PackCheck workstation - At the end of the picking process, the transport robots bring ordered goods to workstations with monitors, sorting walls. Put-to-Light systems and agronomic systems. There, the goods are transferred from machine to employee for packing and shipping.
HÖRMANN Intralogistics - Caja Transport- Lifting Robotics
Shelving Adapter Units (SAUs) - rail system for existing shelving. Easy installation on multiple shelving systems, adapts to different container shapes and sizes. Decanting (decanting in the receiving process) is minimized.

Contact us now

We can accompany you throughout the entire consulting and order process: first, we analyse your warehouse processes based on all the information you can provide, then develop a simulation and custom solution design. Based on this we can calculate costs and possible savings and move on to the quotation phase. Our logistics experts manage every stage of complex automation projects as general contractor.

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Our single-source provider industrial services include personalised, competent solutions. Our professional teams with vast experience in planning, production-and  assembly know exactly what you need.

As a partner to industry, we provide all-round services geared to the life cycle of automated manufacturing and production equipment. From conception, realisation, assembly and commissioning of machines and systems to the relocation or modernisation of existing production facilities, not to mention optimisation and maintenance.


Our services at a glance


All you need to know about industrial service


Your contact - Gerhard Jacobi


Reference - OEM

Operating equipment and systems safety through competent DGUV inspections

The acronym DGUV stands for the German Social Accident Insurance agency, an organisation of 27 accident insurance funds and nine commercial employers liability insurance associations. DGUV Regulation 3 regulates the testing of electrical equipment and systems used in industry.

On request, we can create a basic inventory of all devices to be tested or check the existing data. Our files include all devices. This way, customers prompt notice from us when the next test cycle is due.

The devices  are not only tested, but can be repaired immediately if necessary and according to budget. All documentation, including the legally required protocols, are available at all times - in hard copy format and, depending on the customer requirements, on server / data carrier etc.

This means our customers always work with approved tools and machines and, if necessary, are legally protected in the event of accident, given that all required tests are carried out and documented.


HÖRMANN Intralogistics Services - DGUV
HÖRMANN Intralogistics Services - continuous maintenance

Interruption-free processes and production sequences through continuous maintenance

Regular maintenance and servicing is mandatory for ensuring trouble-free processes and production sequences. It is likewise fundamental for maintaining high production equipment availability, minimising downtime and saving costs.

To sustainably reduce downtime and prevent unscheduled maintenance, we offer preventive maintenance services at the highest level, through our team. We check and document the status of all machines and systems, evaluate them and use this information to identify when maintenance and servicing work needs to be scheduled at the earliest possible stage. This gives customers the advantage of being able to include maintenance and servicing work promptly in their production scheduling.

Of course, the team also takes care of the physical execution of all maintenance and servicing work. From inventory, to determination and calculation of individually coordinated maintenance intervals, to maintenance or repair work.



Industrial assemblies from single machines to production lines

With our specialised staff, we carry out mechanical and electrical industrial assemblies as complete service packages according to customer schedules and design specifications.

We see ourselves as a general contractor, organising all the necessary assembly equipment (including crane, forklift, lifting scaffolding, tools), to ensure professional and timely execution. This also includes utility installations like air and water.

Customers are accompanied by a single contact all the way up to commissioning and, if required, we can provide support through ongoing production assistance. Among others, our reference projects include installations for the automotive and supply-chain industry, materials handling, machine tool and packaging industry. We also offer experienced support for decommissioning services, including the professional disposal of all materials.


HÖRMANN Intralogistics Services - Industrial assemblies
HÖRMANN Intralogistics Services - Measurement Fixators

System assembly and machine conversion services

As an important ancillary service in the area of system assembly and machine conversion, we can measure the systems where they are to be installed, marking out the machine axes, contours and adjustable feet, inserting fixators and/or base plates as a fixed and finished service.


Our services at a glance

  • System measurement based on dimensioned layouts provided by the manufacturer
  • Plotting of machine axes, contours and levelling feet, using in-house laser measurement technology
  • Assigning subcontractors for drilling work
  • Installation and alignment of fixators and/or base plates
  • Assignment of subcontractors for grouting work

HÖRMANN Intralogistics has years of experience and trained personnel for system measurement. We have been providing this type of service to machine manufacturers and equipment suppliers to the automotive industry for many years.


Machine relocation

The relocation of machinery and equipment presents many significant challenges to companies. From planning to logistics and the actual implementation, the necessary human resources and technical equipment are often lacking, meaning that even an in-house machine relocation can quickly become a difficult task to solve. This is where you need a strong partner.

Whether it’s machine relocation in the course of production changeovers, the relocation of complete manufacturing systems and production lines or the relocation of entire systems, we have been offering our customers all services from a single source provider for over 40 years.

Up to re-commissioning at the new location, we offer customers all services in the areas of planning, decommissioning and recommissiong, including loading and transport. This avoids interface losses and guarantees a smooth operations, monitored by our engineers throughout the entire process.

Machine relocation (in-house)

Modularity in the design of machines and systems has increased significantly in recent years. Modern production systems must have a high degree of flexibility in order to respond dynamically to new conditions, such as new manufacturing specifications. This often results in the need to realign the machinery. Machining centres, conveyor technology and packaging systems can be rearranged on the factory floor.

What sounds simple at first glance in reality requires professional planning, just as with an off-site relocation. In addition to the electrical and mechanical dismantling of the machines, the precise preparation of the new positions on the factory floor is crucial for a smooth start-up.

HÖRMANN Intralogistics Services - Machine relocation

Machine relocation abroad

Above and beyond technical know-how, the relocation of machinery and production facilities abroad demands a high level of organisational services to ensure a smooth operation. Compliance with customs requirements and other international freight transport regulations to name but two.

As an internationally oriented company with more than 40 years of experience in the large-scale industrial sector, we offer customers machine relocations both at home and abroad.

This applies to all services related to your machinery, such as machine assemblies, machine conversions, machine service and much more. Over the years we have successfully provided these services in many different countries (Italy, France, Spain, Scandinavia, Russia, India and China). You too can take advantage of our extensive know-how.


Our services at a glance

  • Complete project planning
  • Precise surveying
  • Backup of control data
  • Dismantling of all equipment (electrical and mechanical)
  • Loading, securing and transport
  • Preparation of the new site
  • Remounting incl. positioning and alignment
  • Connection and commissioning
  • Professional machine acceptance in accordance with the relevant DIN standards
  • Creation of safety concepts and CE declarations


HÖRMANN Intralogistics Services - Site Services

A qualified site team for our customers

On request, we provide customers with a permanent team of specialists directly on site to meet all customer requirements with our portfolio of services. This includes the maintenance and repair of production systems as well as relocations, assemblies and dismantling operations of various kinds. Automation solutions for small projects completes our portfolio of on-site services.

The aim of this on-site service is to support customers as service provider in a close and trusting relationship, so they can focus fully on their core business.

For many years, we have had the privilege of demonstrating our competence and performance at the VW Wolfsburg and VW Salzgitter sites. We have grown thanks to these tasks and put great emphasis on long-term, partnership-based cooperation.


We cover a wide range of services in the area around your machinery and intralogistics equipment and offer our customers a complete services from a single source provider.

We specialise in processing machines for use in the automotive industry and its supply chain, as well as related industries, and have a well-coordinated service team with many years of experience in the field of machine technology under its belt. In addition to inspection services, we can also provide maintenance and repair services of all kinds. Even for complex intralogistics systems, we can provide full service, from construction to maintenance and modernisation.


Our services at a glance:


All you need to know about machine technology


Your contact - Gerhard Jacobi


Reference - NTN

HÖRMANN Intralogistics - Hydraulic assembly services

Hydraulic assemblies by the professionals

We lay and assemble hydraulic lines, carry out valve assemblies and are also available to customers for assembling complete systems. Our range of services also includes existing system modernisation. High productivity and efficiency demand ongoing optimisation. We can inspect your ageing hydraulic systems and, if necessary, are happy to modernise them for you.

Through our hydraulic system services, our customers get complete service for their systems from a single source provider. In addition to filter and line servicing, we also offer customers a hydraulic repair service for any kind of fault.


Our services at a glance

  • Hydraulic assembly
  • Faulty part replacement
  • Ageing systems modernisation
  • Hydraulic lines service (e.g. replacement of hose lines)
  • Filter control
  • Filter change service
  • Hydraulic fluid change
  • Choice of optimal operating medium
  • Hydraulic system bleeding
  • Hydraulic repairs


You can be sure!
Hydraulic assemblies and services from HÖRMANN Intralogistics:

Contact us 

Pneumatic assemblies

We offer pneumatic assemblies from a single source provider. We can assemble pneumatic lines, valve assemblies as well as the complete pneumatic systems for our customers.

We are equaly happy to provide support in the modernisation of ageing systems. After a professional inspection of your old system, we can provide detailed recommendations about the possible and necessary modernisation works, and an individual quotation.

Using high-quality components from reputable manufacturers & partners, along with constant quality control in accordance with DIN ISO 9001, we guarantee our customers extraordinary levels of quality.


Our services at a glance

  • Pneumatic assemblies
  • Laying pneumatic lines
  • Valve assemblies
  • Pneumatic repairs
  • Pneumatic system modernisation
  • Maintenance and repair
  • Pneumatic line service (e.g. replacement of hose assemblies)
  • Pneumatic line assembly


You can be sure of our know-how:

Contact us

HÖRMANN Intralogistics - Pneumatic assembly services
HÖRMANN Intralogistics – Ball screw drive overhaul services

Gearbox Overhaul

Our range of services includes the repair and overhaul of trapezoidal and ball screw gears, lathes, milling and grinding machines.

After an overhaul by our experts, your machine tools will once again be capable of consistently high speeds, combined with an optimal level of precision.

For these services we draw on our many years of experience in the sector.

Thanks to constant quality control in accordance with DIN ISO 9001, we guarantee our customers consistent quality levels and reliability, to your net advantage.


Contact us

Spindle repair

We can repair, optimise or convert processing machinery motor spindles and external drive spindles. Take advantage of our experience, precision and quality!


Spindle repairs / spindle service

  • Belt spindles
  • Motor spindles
  • Milling and grinding machine main spindles
  • Grinding spindles
  • Lathe spindles
  • Ball screw spindles
HÖRMANN Intralogistics - Services Spindle repairs

Our repair service includes dismantling and inspection of the spindles, and full test reporting with cost estimates. Once the repair is approved, we replace or rework the faulty parts. Of course, all rotating parts are then finely balanced in accordance with ISO 1940. Following an intensive test run, we provide a test report containing all significant spindle values, such as radial and axial runout, bearing temperatures, motor temperature, vibration values, insulation test result and more.

We can repai spindles made by the following manufacturers Voumard, Fischer, Weisser, Omlat, GMN, Fortuna, Renaud, Precise, Perske, Jäger, Ibag, Heller, Hauser, Gamfior, Faemat, FAG, Bryant, Colombo, Deuschle, Blohm, SKF, Weiss, Kessler, Junker, UVA, TDM, HSD, StepTec, UKF, DMG, IMT, Jung and others.

As well as the following machine manufacturers - Mazak, Deckel Maho, Mitsubishi, Hermle, Voumard, Jung, Mikron, Vollmer, Huron, Forest, Chiron, Röders, HURCO, Weeke, HOMAG, IMA, Quaser, Bridgeport, Matec and others.


Our services at a glance

  • Spindle repairs / spindle service at the highest level
  • Maintenance contracts (maintenance contracts)
  • Spindle storage (service contracts)
  • DIN ISO 1940 balancing of tools, tool holders, fan wheels, spindle shafts, grinding mandrels, rotors, various parts up to 200 kg unit weight, with individual balancing protocol
  • On-site service - spindle installation and removal, spindle condition analysis (as part of preventive maintenance), vibration measurement, regrinding of SK/ISO tapers, fine balancing of complete spindles according to ISO 1940 (as part of process optimization)
  • Device service - Electrical installation and modification of converters, system cabinets and accessories


Take advantage of our consolidated experience in spindle repair!

Contact us

HÖRMANN Intralogistics - Telescopic covers

Telescopic cover general overhaul

Ever-increasing precision in industrial manufacturing means it’s essential to protect sensitive machine tools components, especially from dirt and dust. To ensure this, fully functional telescopic covers are needed. Within our group of companies, we offer a wide range of services related to telescopic covers for machine tools.


Telescopic cover general overhaul

Our service team can provide provides proper general overhaul services for the telescopic covers of all kinds of machine - including those made by foreign manufacturers. We can also eliminate design flaws and select the best types of seal and guide strips, to round off our service.

We check the condition and function of all bushings and bolts as part of the plate and shear tong reconditioning service. Defective elements are replaced professionally, to guarantee perfect functionality after overhaul. The segment plates of your telescopic covers are cleaned, degreased as well as ground.

Dent removal and straightening of the segments is also part of our range of services.


General overhaul of telescopic covers by the following manufacturers

Beakbane, GeKaTec, Halltech, HCR, HEMA, Henning, Kabelschlepp, K.H. Thissen, P.E.I. Srl, Raumag Janich, SEMA, Sermeto, WEMA, Willi Fent


Telescopic covers emergency repair

As part of our services, our team is available for emergency repairs to telescopic covers within 24h. Just call us!


Our services at a glance

  • General overhaul of telescopic covers
  • Telescopic covers repair
  • Design defect elimination
  • Segmental plates, bushings and bolts overhaul
  • Fabrication and replacement of brass conductors and strips
  • Sealing lip replacement
  • Retaining profiles replacement
  • Emergency repairs within 24h
  • Individual repair contracts (maintenance contracts)


Contact us

We develop automation solutions tailored specifically to the needs of our customers: From planning, mechanical and electrical design, manufacturing and assembly to commissioning with PLC and robot programming.

As general contractor, we coordinate all phases of a project, creating maximum transparency and security over the entire course of the works. Our customers can rely on a single contact person, from concept to final acceptance.


All you need to know about automation solutions


Your contact - Gerhard Jacobi


Reference - E-Mobility

HÖRMANN Intralogistics Solutions - Services Automation Solutions

A great deal of experience in all disciplines

Of course, our experienced workforce is proficient in all the necessary areas, from spot welding, MIG/MAG welding and projection welding, to bonding, screwing, punch riveting, clinching, sorting, deburring, cleaning, testing, measurement and transport, all of which we do thanks to the long-standing experience we have in many sectors of industry.

These include the automotive sector and its supply-chain, as well as agricultural and construction machinery. Another field we specialise in is machine tool interlinking with our custom automation solutions.


We always focus on the needs of our customers, meaning we can implement individual automated solutions as well as complex systems with up to 25 robots.


In addition to our general contractor service, we also offer electrical planning, PLC and robot programming serevices as stand-alone operations. We program dynamic and efficient software solutions tailored to the requirements of our customers’ systems.

Our programming is always based on customer specifications and requirements, using controllers from leading robot manufacturers (e.g. KUKA, FANUC). Detailed documentation ensures smooth system operation.


Our services at a glance:

  • Robotic systems programming
  • Robot system teaching
  • Documentation
  • Commissioning


From the conception to the commissioning, we work around the clock for our renowned customers with our highly qualified, experienced staff, providing full life-cycle support and maintenance, as well as relocation testing services for their automated manufacturing and production facilities.


We ourselves are renowned for our technical competence in the field of electrical and mechanical technology, control systems, robotics, welding, conveyor technology, pneumatic and hydraulic systems, and all the other tools of streamlined industrial engineering.

As a consolidated partner, we support our customers with future-proof and efficient automation solutions, innovative machine technology and versatile industrial services, not to mention future-oriented energy management, customised retrofit measures to increase intralogistics system performance and, of course, 24/7 customer service via our intralogistics hotline.

»The experienced staff at the HÖRMANN Intralogistics Hotline has always managed to provide rapid, solution-oriented support whenever we’ve had any kind of problem.«